

Misrepresentation is defined as a false, erroneous or misleading statement made directly or indirectly to a student, prospective student, any member of the public, an accrediting agency, a state agency or the Department of Education.

A misleading statement includes any statement that has the likelihood or tendency to deceive. A statement is any communication made in writing, visually, orally, or through other means. This applies to statements made by a school, one of its representatives, or any third party for which the institution has agreements to provide educational programs or provide marketing, advertising, recruiting, or admissions services.

Substantial misrepresentation is defined as any misrepresentation on which the person to whom it was made could reasonably be expected to rely, or has reasonably relied, to that person detriment.

Santa Fe Community College intends to relay true and accurate information in all forms. Santa Fe Community College prohibits all forms of substantial misrepresentations or misleading statements, including those made in any advertising or promotional materials.